Happy birthday dear my 23-year-old me!
Udah tua yak udah 23 aja :")

23-year-old selfie. Masih imut kan xD
This time I think I don't have too many wishes. I just wanted to be healthy, happy and be more grateful :"D Bersyukur karena masih ada yang inget dan nyelametin :") On this birthday I was super happy cos my birthday is celebrated by my new office mates. Pagi-pagi pas training gak ada yang ngasih ucapan selamat ultah. Gue pikir ya wajar ajalah ya gak ada yang tau baru 3 minggu masuk kantor bareng. Eh tapi ternyata pas lunch malah di-surprise-in. Thank you ya guys~ Yha walaupun tulisan kuenya malah ala-ala orang lagi anniversary (mau anniversary piye sih lah wong pacar aja gak punya *nangis di pojokan*)

RA Batch 2016
Kirain barengan tanggal ultahnya ternyata beda wk xD
Udah gapaham lagi...
One year older, one year wiser.
I hope that this year is going to be amazing and I want to grow to be a more matured woman. Tahun ini juga tahun pertama gue bekerja sebagai seorang profesional and I wish all the best for my job (target utama sudah pasti lulus probation dulu deh). All I have to do is do my best in everything I do and let God take the rest. AMEN!
"Do not bother about what you already know or what you do not know. Do not think about the past or future, just let the divine hands write down each day with surprises of the present  Dream big, fear less and do more!"


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